N" is for
Nose and
nasal congestion. I absolutely love spring. I can never wait for it to get here after going through a long cold winter. Somehow over the winter months I develop amnesia because I forget that spring is also allergy season. I will go out on the first beautiful sunny day and walk across the grass and smell the new blossoms and flowers completely happy and in awe of nature's beauty. Then all of a sudden my eyes begin to water and itch, my
nose begins to run and I begin an explosive series of sneezes that make me look and sound like I'm having some kind of a fit. People who don't understand allergies want to put me in some kind of quarantine as if I'm contagious and they don't want to catch my "germs". I have to make the same explanations every year that allergies are not contagious, it's just a reaction to the pollen, mold, dust and animal dander that get stirred up when the weather gets warmer. My next mission is to find out which of the dozens of allergy medicines on the shelf are going to work this year. My system gets used to the one from the year before and I have to change medications every year. The other criterion for me is that I have to find one that doesn't knock me out. I am very susceptible to "can cause drowsiness". What causes drowsiness for most will make me sleep for hours. So, it is my annual sneezing, itchy eyes, stuffy
nose, run to the drug store season. Love spring, hate my allergies. "
N" is for
nose and
nasal congestion.
My son has the same type of allergic reaction and suffers miserably through spring and summer. Nothing seems to work for long and I feel so bad for him. Found you from the A-Z Challenge, I’m now following you on GFC and I hope you have a chance to check out my blog!
Me, too. Visiting from the A to Z Challenge.
ReplyDeleteOh I can relate to this one. I've been suffering with sinus problems the past few days.
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Your post was very entertaining for me! My poor husband and kids feel your pain. In fact, two have allergy induced asthma. It's pretty terrible. I, on the other hand, don't have allergies. I'm so glad! But I have other things I have to deal with. I get we all get our own bag of tricks to make us stronger, right? Thanks for coming by my blog!
ReplyDeleteNasal allergy is the worst body issue I ever have.Antibiotics never works for me in nasal congestion.At that time, neti Pot proved to be the best cure.