Anyone who has been following this blog will remember a piece of fabric I dyed a couple of weeks ago with diluted fabric paint. The fabric became a deeper flesh tone color although it doesn't show as well in these photos.

I had no plan for what the final design for her would be because she started out as an experiment in dying fabric. Once the body was completely assembled I chose a photograph to use to design her face.

Once her face was painted her personality came out and she began to tell me who she was. I used a wild, fiery red-orange yarn with gold treads in it for her hair and earthy fabrics for her costume and shawl.
She suddenly became a Celtic mistress of potions. I think I was inspired by the show
Merlin that aired on the 'Syfy' channel this past season.
I gave her a headband made out of stone beads and a bag of potions around her neck.

She is also wearing suede boots with corded ties.
Of course, she told me that her name is Meg and she is now the newest member of "Gloria's Girls".
I completed the second item that I committed to this week. Now, I'm ready to finish my male doll.
I love her. She is beautiful:)